
Android dev

When you want to work on android development server on your physical devices then first you have to create a rn app
npx create-react-native-app appname //or react-native init appname
After this you can see the android folder
notion image
Run the development server
npx react-native start
Now open this android folder into your android studio
notion image
Now just run the app on android device


You can have a Ip issue when you start running this on your physical device .Then you have to run the following command
adb devices // gives the active devices that are ddebugging mode // run this to reverse the port on your android device adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
If adb is not recognize by your computer then you have to add the location of adb in env of your system
notion image

Disconnected while developing

When your android studio is running and your phone disconnected then just you have to check the react-native server ⇒ then run the adb command⇒then check android Studion and run the app