To check a purticular value of a field so we can apply individual schema to check the value to show content on condition
import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react' import { useNavigate } from 'react-router-dom'; import axios from 'axios'; import * as Yup from "yup"; import { Formik, Form, Field, ErrorMessage } from "formik"; import SuccessAlertComp from '../Alert/SuccessAlertComp'; import WarningAlertcomp from '../Alert/WarningAlertcomp'; function OrderItem() { const navigate = useNavigate(); const reader = new FileReader(); const fileref = useRef(null) const [filename, setfilename] = useState(null); const [showFileError, setshowFileError] = useState(true); const [addedItem, setaddedItem] = useState(false); const [notAddedItem, setnotAddedItem] = useState(false); const fileHandeler = (e) => { // setfilevalue([0]) reader.readAsDataURL([0]) reader.onload = async () => { setimage(reader.result); setshowFileError(false); } setfilename([0].name) let size =[0].size console.log("The size of the file is ",size) } const initialValues = { itemName: "", width: 0, height:0, pic:"" }; const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({ itemName: Yup.string().required("Please Select a item | कृपया एक आइटम चुनें"), description: Yup.string().required("Description is required"), width: Yup.number().positive().required("please give the width "), height:Yup.number().positive().required("please give the height "), // pic:Yup.string().required("Please select an Image") }); const UploadImageHandeler = () => { } // Cheking for the selected item to show the length bars const itemValidation = (value) => { console.log("This is the current value",value); } // Cheking for the selected item to show the length bars const [image, setimage] = useState(''); const onSubmit = (data) => { data.pic = image; // ============>>>>>>>> It is very important to provide responseType so that we can convert the file to original form===================// //"http://localhost/__payalComputersBackend/_additem.php", data).then((res) => { // // console.log("This is url ", url) // // setimage(url) // console.log("This is the respose recieve from server : ", res) // if ( === "ok") { // setaddedItem(true); // setTimeout(() => { // navigate('/store') // }, 2000); // } else if ( === "error") { // setnotAddedItem(true); // } // }).catch(err => { // console.log(err) // }) console.log(data) }; return ( <div > {addedItem && <SuccessAlertComp dismiss={setaddedItem} exclamation="Admin " message="You have successfully Added the item" />} {notAddedItem && <WarningAlertcomp dismiss={setnotAddedItem} exclamation="Admin" message="Somethin went wrong"/>} <div className='w-[90%] sm:w-1/3 flex flex-col justify-center rounded-lg shadow-lg shadow-gray-400 mx-auto my-24 space-y-4 bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-600 via-purple-600 to-pink-600 bg-opacity-20 py-16 px-10'> <Formik initialValues={initialValues} validationSchema={validationSchema} onSubmit={onSubmit} > <Form className='space-y-4'> < Field as="select" name="itemName" className="bg-transparent border-2 border-gray-200 px-2 py-1 text-white rounded-lg focus:outline-none " validate={itemValidation}> <option value="" className="text-gray-900">Select Item </option> <option value="flex" className="text-gray-900">flex</option> <option value="visiting card" className="text-gray-900">visiting card</option> <option value="poster" className="text-gray-900">poster</option> <option value="wedding card" className="text-gray-900">wedding card</option> </Field> <ErrorMessage className="text-orange-300 text-xs" name="itemName" component="span"/> <Field as="textarea" id="description" className="block p-2.5 w-full text-sm text-gray-100 bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-700 via-purple-700 to-pink-700 rounded-lg focus:outline-none placeholder:text-gray-200" placeholder="Enter something..." name="description" /> <ErrorMessage className="text-orange-300 text-xs" name="description" component="span"/> <input hidden type="file" id="" className=" focus:outline-none focus:ring-offset-0 text-black placeholder-gray-700 text-sm rounded-lg w-full p-2.5 bg-gray-100" placeholder="" name='pic' ref={fileref} onChange={fileHandeler} /> {/* Only for flex */} <div className='flex flex-row gap-2'> <Field type="number" id="price" className="block p-2.5 w-1/2 text-sm text-gray-100 bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-700 via-purple-700 to-pink-700 rounded-lg focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-blue-600 placeholder:text-gray-200" placeholder="width | चौड़ाई ( feet )" name="width" /> <Field type="number" id="price" className="block p-2.5 w-1/2 text-sm text-gray-100 bg-gradient-to-r from-indigo-700 via-purple-700 to-pink-700 rounded-lg focus:outline-none focus:ring-1 focus:ring-blue-600 placeholder:text-gray-200" placeholder="height | ऊंचाई (feet)" name="height" /> </div> {/* Only for flex */} <ErrorMessage className="text-orange-300 text-xs" name="width" component="span"/> <br></br> <ErrorMessage className="text-orange-300 text-xs" name="height" component="span"/> <p className='text-sm text-gray-200'>Please upload the format below and attach as image | कृपया नीचे प्रारूप अपलोड करें और फ़ोटो के रूप में संलग्न करें </p> <div className='flex flex-row gap-3'> <button className="bg-transparent backdrop-blur-xl rounded-lg text-white font-bold uppercase text-sm px-6 py-2 shadow hover:shadow-lg hover:shadow-black outline-none mr-1 mb-1 ease-linear transition-all duration-150 focus:ring-2 focus:shadow-md focus:shadow-gray-600 focus:ring-gray-200" type="button" onClick={UploadImageHandeler} > Upload Image </button> <button className="bg-transparent backdrop-blur-xl rounded-lg text-white active:bg-gradient-to-r-from-indigo-200-via-purple-200-to-pink-200 font-bold uppercase text-sm px-6 py-2 shadow hover:shadow-lg outline-none focus:outline-none mr-1 mb-1 ease-linear transition-all duration-150 hover:shadow-black focus:ring-2 focus:ring-gray-200 focus:shadow-md focus:shadow-gray-600" type="submit" > Save Changes </button> </div> {filename && <p className='text-sm -mt-10 font-bold text-yellow-200'>Selected File :<span className='text-gray-50'> {filename}</span> </p>} {showFileError && <ErrorMessage className="text-orange-300 text-xs" name="pic" component="span"/>} {filename && <img src={image} className="my-2 shadow-lg shadow-gray-500"></img>} </Form> </Formik> </div></div> ) } export default OrderItem
Here we want to display some fields only when the flex is selected so here is the validation schema
// Cheking for the selected item to show the length bars const itemValidation = (value) => { console.log("This is the current value",value); }
here we are getting the current value of the select input in the formik field